Hiragana Reading Practice: Urashima Taro

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To master reading hiragana, you need to practice a lot! A physical children story book such as this Ghibli’s Ponyo movie book is a great book for collection and as a hiragana reading practice. But not all of us have resources to get them and that’s why we’re here to help!

You can use this Urashima Taro story to practice reading hiragana. There are a few important things you need to keep in mind though, check this article first if this is the first time you use this page to practice!

Quick Tips on using this page to practice reading hiragana
• Kana in bold are particles. As particles は is read as WA and を is read as O.
• You can safely ignore the meaning. Success attempt = able to read all hiragana with no difficulties.

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うらしまたろう – The Tale of Urashima Taro


Part 1 : A Kind Man

1. むかし、 むかし、 その また むかし、うみべ むら ,

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Mukashi, mukashi, sono mata mukashi, umibe no mura ni,
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Long long ago, and as long ago again, in a seaside village,

2. うらしまたろう いう わかもの おかあさん ふたり すんで いました。

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Urashima tarou to iu wakamono ga okaasan to futari de sunde imashita.
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Lived the young man called Urashima Taro together with his mother.

3. ある ひ、 いつも よう に さかな つり でかけたら、

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Aru hi, itsumo no youni sakana tsuri ni dekaketara,
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One day when he went out to fish as always,

4. はまべ こども たち かめ つかまえ、

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Hamabe de kodomo tachi ga kame o tsukamae,
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On the beach were some children who had caught a turtle,

5.たたいたり、 けったり して いました。

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Tataitari, kettari shite imashita.
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They were hitting and kicking it.

6. 「なんて むごい こと 。」

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“Nante mugoi koto o
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“What a cruel thing.”

7. うらしまたろう かめ かわいそう なりました。

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Urashima tarou wa kame ga kawaisou ni narimashita.
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Urashimatarou came to feel pity for the turtle.

Part 2 : Come to The Rescue!

8. そこ こども たち ところ いって、

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Soko de kodomo tachi no tokoro e itte,
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He went to where the children were,

9.「これ これ、 その かめ どう する つもり だ。」 いいました。

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“Kore kore, sono kame o dou suru tsumori da!” to ii mashita.
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“Hey! what do you intend to do with this turtle?” he said.

10. 「まち うり いく。」いちばん としうえ こども いいました。

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“Machi e uri ni iku”, ichiban toshiue no kodomo ga iimashita.
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“Go to the town and sell it.”, said the oldest one.

11. 「そん なら わし ゆずって おくれ。」

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“Son nara washi ni yuzutte okure”
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“In that case, please give it to me.”

12. うらしまたろう こども たち ひとり ひとり おかね あげました。

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Urashimatarou wa kodomo tachi, hitori hitori ni okane o agemashita.
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Urashimatarou gave money to each child.

13. こども たち よろこんで かめ わたして くれました。

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Kodomo tachi wa yorokonde kame o watashite kuremashita.
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With pleasure the children handed over the turtle.

Part 3: Be Safe Mr.Turtle

14. 「もう にどと つかまるん じゃ ない 。」

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mou nidoto tsukamarun janai zo
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You can’t be caught a second time.
15. こども たち いなく なる

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kodomo tachi ga inaku naru to,
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The children went away,
16. うらしまたろう かめ
うみ にがして やりました。

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urashimatarou wa kame o
umi e nigashite yarimashita
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and Urasimatarou set the turtle free in the sea.
17. かめ うれし そう
くび ふって いました

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kame wa ureshi sou ni
kubi o futte imashita ga,
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The turtle was happy
and nodding his head,
18. やがて なみ なか きえて いきました。

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yagate nami no naka e kiete ikimashita
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soon he went and disappeared in the waves.

Part 4: Grateful Turtle

19. つぎ ひ、うらしまたろう
いわ うえ さかな つって いる

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tsugi no hi, urashimatarou ga,
iwa no ue de sakana o tsutte iru to
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The next day, when Urashimatarou
was fishing on top of a rock,
20. うみ なか から かめ あらわれ、
「うらしまさん、うらしまさん。」 よびました。

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umi no naka kara kame ga araware,
“Urashima san, Urashima san” to yobimashita
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a turtle came out of the sea
and called, “Mr. Urashima, Mr. Urashima.”.
21. うらしまたろう びっくりして かめ みました。

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urashimatarou wa pikkurishite kame o mimashita
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Urashimatarou watched the turtle with surprise.
22. 「わたし きのう いのち たすけて いただいた かめ です。

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watashi wa kinou inochi o tasukete itadaita kame desu.
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I am the turtle who received your favor to help my life yesterday.
23. おれい りゅうぐう あんないします。

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orei ni ryuuguu e annaishimasu.
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In thanks, I will guide you to the Dragon Palace
24. わたし せなか のって ください。」

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watashi no senaka ni notte kudasai”
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Please get on my back.”
25. いう なり、かめ おおきな かめ なりました。

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iu nari, kame wa ookina kame ni narimashita
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As soon as he said that, the turtle became a big turtle.

Part 5: The Dragon Palace

26. うらしまたろう かめ せなか のる

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urashimatarou ga kame no senaka ni noru to,
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Urashimatarou got on the turtle’s back,
27. なんだか いい きもち なって きて、

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nandaka ii kimochi ni natte kite,
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somehow a good feeling came to him,
28. いつ 、ねむり こんで しまいました。

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itsu no ma ni ka, nemuri konde shimaimashita
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before he knew it, he fell completely asleep.
29. 「さあ、りゅうぐう つきました 。」

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saa, ryuuguu ni tsukimashita yo
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Here we are, we arrived at the Dragon Palace
30. かめ おこされ、

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kame ni okosare,
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He was awakened by the turtle,
31. はっと め あけたら、

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hatto me o aketara,
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startled, when he opened his eyes,
32. みた こと ない りっぱな ごてん たって いました。

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mita koto mo nai rippana goten ga tatte imashita
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he had never seen such a splendid palace as was standing there.
33. やね きん かわら ならび、

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yane ni wa kin no kawara ga narabi
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On the roof there was a line of golden tile,
34. かべ ぎん るり できて いました。

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kabe wa gin to ruri de dekite imashita
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the walls were made of silver and lapis lazuli.

Part 6: Princess of The Dragon Palace

35. もん くぐる

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mon o kuguru to,
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When they passed through the gate,
36. おとひめさま たくさん おんな ひと たち

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otohimesama ga takusan no onna no hito tachi to
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a princess with many women
37. いっしょ おもて でて きました。

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issho ni omote e dete kimashita
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came out together outside
38. (なんて きれいな ひと だ。)

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nante kireina hito da
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What a beautiful person
39. あまり うつくしさ うらしまたろう こえ でません。

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amari no utsukushisa ni urashimatarou wa koe mo demasen
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She was so beautiful that Urashimatarou could not speak.
40. 「ようこそ おいで なりました。

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youkoso oide ni narimashita.
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I am very pleased by your coming.
41. かめ たすけて いただいて ありがとう。」

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kame o tasukete itadaite arigatou.
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Thank you for giving help to the turtle.”
42. おとひめさま すず なる よう こえ いいました。

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otohimesama wa suzu no naru you na koe de iimashita
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Said the princess with a voice like a ringing bell.

Part 7: A Fiest

43. おとひめさま うらしまたろう
ごてん なか つれて いきました。

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otohimesama wa urashimatarou o
goten no naka e tsukete ikimashita
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The princess took Urashimatarou inside the palace.
44. ゆか だいりせき できて いて、

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yuka wa dairiseki de dekite ite,
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The floor was made of marble,
45. きん びょうぶ まえ

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kin byoubu no mae ni wa,
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in front of a golden folding screen,
46. しんじゅ や かい
ちりばめた つくえ ありました。

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shinju ya kai gara o
chiribameta tsukue ga arimashita
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there was a desk inlayed with pearl and mother of pearl.
47. つくえ うえ
やま よう ごちそう ならんで います。

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tsukue no ue ni wa
yama no you na gochisou ga narande imasu
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On top of the table
there was a big meal lined up like a mountain.
48. 「さあ、めしあがれ。」

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saa, meshiagare
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49. おとひめさま おさけ ついで くれました。

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otohimesama ga osake o tsuide kuremashita
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The princess poured sake for him.
50. (なんて うまい さけ だ。)

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nante umai sake da
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What delicious sake! (thought Urashimatarou)
51. こんな おいしい さけ
のんだ こと ありません。

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konna oishii sake wa
nonda koto ga arimasen
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I have never drank such delicious sake.
52. やがて おんがく
きこえて きた おもう

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yagate ongaku ga
kikoete kita ka to omou to,
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Before long he thought he began to hear music,
53. いろ とりどり ぬの
おんな ひと たち あらわれ、

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iro toridori no nuno o
te ni shita
onna no hito tachi ga araware,
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women appeared in clothes of various colors,
54. しずか おどり はじめました。

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shizuka ni odori hajimemashita
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quietly they began to dance.

Part 8: Homesick

55. まるで ゆめ よう まい ひ すぎて いきました。

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maru de yume no you na hi ga sugite ikimashita
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Each day passed, like in a dream.
56. ところ ある ひ、

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tokoro ga aru hi,
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But one day,
57. うらしまたろう ふと、おかあさん こと おもいだしました。

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urashimatarou wa fu to, okaasan no koto o omoidashimashita
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suddenly, Urashimatarou remembered things about his mother
58. その とたん、きゅう いえ こいしく なりました。

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sono totan, kyuu ni ie ga koishiku narimashita
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At that moment, he suddenly yearned for his home
59. 「ながい こと おせわ なりました

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nagai koto osewa ni narimashitaga,
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For a long time I was taken care of,
60. そろそろ いえ もどらなくて なりません。」

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sorosoro ie ni modoranakute wa narimasen.
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it’s about time I returned home.”
61. うらしまたろう いいました。

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urashimatarou ga iimashita
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said Urashimatarou
62. すると おとひめさま いいました。

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suruto otohimesama ga iimashita.
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Then the sea goddess said.
63. 「いつまでも あなた いっしょ
くらして いたかった のに。

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itsumademo anata to issho ni
kurashite itakatta no ni.
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Its too bad, I wanted to live with you forever.
64. でも しかた ありません。」

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demo shikata arimasen.
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But it can not be helped.”

Part 9: A Parting Gift

65. あとひめさま うるし ぬり
たまてばこ もってきました。

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otohimesama wa urushi nuri no
tamadebako o mottekimashita
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The sea Goddess brought a lacquer coated treasure box.
66. 「これ おみやげ たまてばこ です。

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kore wa omiyage no tamadebako desu.
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This is a treasure box is a gift for you.
“67. わたし だ おもって いつまでも
たいせつ して ください。

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watashi da to omotte itsumademo
taisetsu ni shite kudasai
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Think of this box as me,
and treasure it forever.
68. どんな こと あって けっして
ふた あけて いけません。」

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donna koto ga atte mo kesshite
futa o akete wa ikemasen
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No matter what happens never open the lid.”
69. 「わかりました。 おとひめさま しんせつ
いっしょう わすれません。」

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wakarimashita. otohimesama no shinsetsu wa
isshou wasuremasen
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I understood. for the rest of my life
I will never forget your kindness.
70. うらしまたろう よろこんで
たまてばこ もらいました。

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urashimatarou wa yorokonde
tamadebako o moraimashita
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With pleasure Urashimatarou received the box.

Part 10: Home Again

71. 「それでは わたし せなか のって ください。」

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soredewa watashi no senaka ni notte kudasai
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Then, please get on my back.
72. かめ でて きて いいました。

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kame ga dete kite iimashita
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The turtle said, approaching.
73. うらしまたろう たまてばこ かかえて
かめ せなか のりました。

Show/Hide Romaji
urashimatarou wa tamadebako o kakaete
kame no senaka ni norimashita
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Urashimatarou holding the box
and got on the turtles back,
74. 「さよう なら。」 うらしまたろう ふりました。

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sayounara. urashimatarou mo te o furimashita
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Bye. Urashimatarou also waved his hand.
75. その とたん、なん わからなく なりました。

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sono totan, nan ni mo wakaranaku narimashita
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At that moment, he became unconscious.
76. ふと きが つく うらしまたろう

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futo kiga tsuku to urashimatarou wa
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Suddenly Urashimatarou woke up,
77. はまべ すわって いて、

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hamabe ni suwatte ite
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and was sitting on the beach,
78. みた こと ない ひと たち

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mita koto mo nai hito tachi ga
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people who he had never seen,
79. ふしぎ そうな かお たって いました。

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fushigi souna kao de tatte imashita
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were standing with wonder in their faces.

Part 11: Regret

80. うらしまたろう 、あわてて
じぶん いえ ほう かけて いきました。

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urashimatarou wa, awatete
jibun no ie no hou e kakete ikimashita
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Confused, Urashimatarou
rushed in the direction of his own house.
81. どこ きえて しまった
じぶん いえ なく、

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doko e kiete shimatta no ka
jibun no ie mo naku
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He didn’t know where his own house has disappeared to,
82. おかあさん すがた ありませんでした。

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okaasan no sugata mo arimasendeshita
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and there is also no sign of his mother.
83. うらしまたろう すっかり かわって しまった
むら あちこち あるき まわりました。

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urashimatarou wa sukkari kawatte shimatta
mura no achikochi o aruki mawarimashita
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Urashimatarou walked here and there
around the completely changed town.
84. でも しって いる ひと ひとり なく、

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demo shitte iru hito wa hitori mo naku
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But there was not even one person he knew,
85. いえ こと
おかあさん こと たずねて

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ie no koto ya
okaasan no koto o tazunete mo
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even when he asks about his home or his mom,
86. くび かしげる ばかり です。

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kubi o kashigeru bakari desu
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people just tilt their head in confusion
87. わずか いちねん ほど りゆうぐう
くらした おもって いた

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wazuka ichinen hodo ryuuguu de
kurashita to omotte ita no ni,
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He thought he had only lived in the palace for merely one year,
88. ほんとう さんびやく ねん
たって いた です。

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hontou wa sanbyaku nen mo
tatte ita no desu
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but the truth is that three hundred years had past.

Part 12: The Box

89. うらしまたろう たまてばこ かかえて
はまべ もどって きました。

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urashimatarou wa tamadebako o kakaete
hamabe e modotte kimashita
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Urashimatarou returned to the beach carrying the box.
90. むかし かわらない
うみ けしき だけ です。

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mukashi to kawaranai no wa
umi no keshiki dake desu
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Only the view of the sea had not changed from before.
91. (こんな こと なら もどって くるん じゃなかった。)

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konna koto nara modotte kurun janakatta
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If this how it goes, I should not have come back.
92. いくら うみ ながめて

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ikura umi o nagamete mo,
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No matter how much he looked at the sea,
93. りゅうぐう つれて いって くれる かめ
もう にどと あらわれませんでした。

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ryuuguu e tsukete itte kureru kame wa
mou nidoto arawaremasen deshita
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the turtle that took him to the palace never appeared again.
94. かなしく なった うらしまたろう

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kanashiku natta urashimatarou wa,
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Urashimatarou who became sad,
95. おとひめさま やくそく やぶって

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otohimesama to no yakusoku o yabutte
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broke his promise with the Princess
96. たまてばこ ふた あけました。

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tamadebako no futa o akemashita
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and opened the lid of the box
97. その とたん、はこ なか から しろい けむり でて、

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sono totan, hako no naka kara shiroi kemuri ga dete,
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At that moment, a white smoke came out of the box,
98. うらしまたろう
たちまち おじいさん すがた なって しまいました。

Show/Hide Romaji
urashimatarou wa,
tachimachi ojiisan no sugata ni natte shimaimashita
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then Urashimatarou,
in an instant fully became an old man.

How did it goes?

Reading practice is very useful to burn hiragana alphabet to your brain. It undeniably hard at the first time, but gradually it will get better!! If this practice seems hard, try it again on the next day until it becomes easy for you to read it 。゚✶ฺ.ヽ(*´∀`*)ノ.✶゚ฺ。

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Having trouble with reading hiragana or katakana? Check out these link:
Learning Hiragana with mnemonics
Learning Katakana with mnemonics


  1. All of those Hiragana practice storys are extremely helpful to me. Now I can read really well. Thank you so much 🙂

  2. Will any of these stories ever be completed? it’s been a year and still not finished, and some of the others are not finished either. Lots of great stuff here to read and would love to see more.

    1. We’ll surely finished it but since we currently have no resources the updates has been halted. So sorry. Please subscribe so you could be notified when updates is here! 😀

    1. It is WO, but as a particle it is read as O. It’s the same as what happened when は being read as WA when used as particle 😀

  3. Can you please add voice too so that we can listen to how to exactly pronounce the particular sentence?

  4. Keep up the good work and I really love it. I love reading story, with this I could learn and read story too. It’s like killing two birds with a stone.

  5. if only there’s a sound, it would help me a lot so that i know whether i pronounces it correctly or not. but nevertheless, this reading practice still help me a lot. keep up the good work.

  6. I ahve a question please
    in paragraph 5 why けったり is read as kettari not as ketsutari
    and thank you

    1. Because the small Tsu is used as a symbol to repeat the next first consonant. Please check hiragana mastery page for more details 😊

  7. I’m getting better day by day, thank you for the stories! Also what a tragedy that befall うらしまたろう :”

    1. You’re welcomee !! Glad you’re getting better. Yeah, it was such a sad story :’)
      By the way have you checked the kanana app ? it have quiz for hiragana & katakana. Hope it helps you to learn ٩(^ᗜ^ )و ´-

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