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We know that it’s hard to get a good practice for katakana so we try to make one for you. We hope you like it and help you to improve your reading skills!
If you have a hard time…
Check out our [post id=”1235″ anchor=”yes” text=”Katakana Guide” class=”tip”], memorize Katakana easily using mnemonics or [post id=”1237″ anchor=”yes” text=”Additional sounds of Katakana (2nd Part of our Guide)” class=”tip”]
Most Katakana practices include just the word, but we believe that presenting a full sentence which have a lot of katakana words, in combination with particle and hiragana as in normal sentence will be a better way to practice reading. It will also help your brain to detect the pattern of Japanese sentence.
Things to note
• In Katakana, ー means that you need to hold the sound of longer.
So コヒー is KOHII (double I).
• The one in bold is particle. So read the red は as WA. Note that particles are always written in Hiragana. Particles in the sentence are red, so you can notice them and learn the structure sentence unconciously.
• Since most Katakana is Foreign and English words, we hide the translations or else it might be quite easy to figure the reading, hehe…
Let’s start the reading practice!
1. ヘンドリックソンがあのデパートでアーロンのセーターを買いました。
2. アルフレッドはキウイやオレンジやストロベリーやすっぱいくだものがすきですよ!
3. マクドナルドとメリンダはロロマンチックなカップルカップルです。
4. このビルディングのべースメントはレストランとカフェがあります。
5. パトリックはビールやワインやアルコールをのみますか。
Note A subtle different might change the meaning. For example, building is ビルヂング but often being abbreviated as ビル. If you hold the I in BI so it becomes BIIRU ビール, it means beer.
6. スティープンはスーパーマーケットでチョコレートとレッドキャベジとマヨネーズがかいました。
7. ダスティンはフィリピンとブラジルとニュージーランドへいったことがあります。
8. ネルソンとタイラーとガーブリエルはベストフレンドです。
Note Sometimes Japanese loves to use foreign words like OK! UP (UPgrade)! BEAUTIFUL! when it seems cool/fancy/appropriate, even though they might have the words in Japanese too.
9. ディクソンはベトナムごとインドネシアごがじょうずです。
Note Adding ご (語) after a name of a country, makes it as “Country Name language”.
Ex: Japanese language: にほんご (日本語), Chinese language ちゅうごくご (中国語).
But some language have it’s own name, like えいご (英語) which means English.
10. ライオンやカンガルーやシマウマはどうぶつえんでみられますよ!
Note You may notice that Zebra is written in Katakana even though that it’s written as a Japanese language (Shimauma). This is because, most of plants and animals name that are rarely being used in everyday conversations is written in Katakana in Japan. So for SAKURA flower and INU (dog), it will be written as hiragana. But turtle, dolphin, kinds of plants like Shitake Mushroom/ Himawari flower, will most likely be written in katakana.
I want more, please!
We don’t have much resources to work on the lessons, while there are still a lot of lessons we need to cover _:(´□`」 ∠):_ But if you would like to see more katakana practice, comment on this page below, and we might consider to add more materials to this article if there is a large amount of request
I want to practice Hiragana
If you would like to practice Hiragana instead, check out our [post id=”1222″ anchor=”yes” text=”Hiragana reading practice” class=”tip”]
This is by far the best site I have found to learn Katakana because if forces the user to translate entire sentences, thereby providing context! Please post more sentences!!
Yes, context are important~ Glad you like them! Please look forward to it~
Why is there ‹セーターが› in the first sentence and not ‹セーターを›?
Thanks for reporting the error! It has been fixed 。゚✶ฺ.ヽ(*´∀`*)ノ.✶゚ฺ。
Nice content, I love it
Arigatou gozaimasu
Thanks for creating this website! I think I noticed a mistake: in #6, should “スティーブンは” be “スティープンは”?
Thanks for noticing!
In number 8 should Taylor be Tyler? I’m new to Katakana and appreciate these practice sentences.
Actually, in Japanese, as to “Japanized” an English names, there are no specific rules. The common guide though is to focus on the pronunciation instead of the alphabet. So SUN (as in sun shines), is サン (SAN) instead of スン (SUN).
This is the best site to learn Kana. Thank you!
You’re welcome
Glad it helps!
This is great. Love your site. Thanks a lot. More katakana practice would be great. Thanks in advance.
You’re welcome! We’re glad that it has been helpful to you! Please look forward for more content in future
Really useful! would love to see more, thanks!
Glad to hear it! Please look forward for more in future!
Great material!
Good work! examples and its explanation really helpful!
Please post N5 to N1 level wise jyukugo, very much needed for JLPT students who are appearing exam on their own!
Super useful! I wish you provided more!
Super useful! Thanks a lot. I wish you could provide more.
You’re welcome!! We will try to come up with new practices in the future! Please support us! ;D
This website is great! I’m not a teacher i’m just looking for love cause i’m lonely
Hi, this is really helpful, please make some more katakana reading practice
I am glad I found this site. I’m looking forward for more!
Glad you like the site! Did you know you can find other story with this link here “http://crunchynihongo.com/hiragana-reading-practice/#story” ?
I admire your work on this website, simply excellent. Finally I improved my japanese reading! Thank you so much!
In question 6, is the ト supposed to be と? In between red cabbage and mayonnaise. The ‘and’ particle is in katakana not hiragana. Just my observation could be wrong.
Ah, thanks for reporting, we’ve fixed the error thanks to you
I love how you can read a sentence in katakana and then see if you read it correctly. So helpful for self-study! Thank you, please add some more.
Hello firstly thank you for this incredible useful website ^-^
But I coonfused about #4th sentence it is;
4. このビルヂングのべースメントはレストランとカフェがあります。
and the romaji you wrote is;
4. Kono birudingu no beesumento wa resutoran to kafe ga arimasu.
Isn’t it ”birujingu” instead of ”birudingu”? Because as you said in forth sentence it is written in hiragana as ”ビルヂング” and the syllable ”ヂ” is romanized as ”ji” isn’t it?~
Thank you again ^-^
It should’ve been ディ and it’s been fixed
This site is by far the best japanese self learning website ever. I am currently in JAP 100 in University and this helps so much. I’d love more resources in katakana though!!!
Thank you! We’re glad we’re able to help. Hmm, we’ll think about adding more resources for katakana, so please stay tuned
isn’t it supposed to be “ビールやワイン” not “ビールワイン”, as the romaji says it is “biiru ya wain” on #5
Fixed, thanks to you
At phrase no.7 Dustin in the romaji translation is Dasutin, while in katakana it is literally written as Dasutein. How can this be since there is no digraph for the katakana ‘Te’?? The same happens in phrase no. 6 with Sutiipun and phrase no.9 with Dikuson. Shouldn’t those be written as ‘Suteipun’ and ‘Deikuson’ if the romaji translations says so? Please explain!!
ティ is read as TI , notice the i is small. And therefore ディ is read as DI
I want to express my gratitude for this site by providing various examples in Hiragana and Katakana — and it’s really easy to use both on my laptop or mobile!
Keep up the good works! And looking forward to another examples (and the continuity stories for Hiragana one)
Thank you! Please look forward to it
Great Katana exercises!! I need more of these in my life to keep my katakana sharp please and thank you!
I want more katakana words like above….
More katakana reading practice would be great.
We’ll working on it
Thank you for this material! I’ve learned a lot and it helped with reading. Please add more sentences if you’ve got the time. I look forward to it!
Please look forward to it
Sorry I phrased that wrong. I mean it has written ステ… But the romaji says suti… Should it have written スチ… or in romaji sute? But even then is it not said as chi not ti. Thanks.
because ティ would make it TI
Stephen in Japanese is not STEPHEN, but SUTIIPUN. Because the E in English is being read similarly as “i” in Japanese 
Please post more katakana sentence… I am from Bangladesh
Hoping to see more of this grazie mille ~ ( ^ ∀ ^ )
Please more katakana reading practice. Thank you.
We’ll work on it, please look forward to it
It’s very helpful indeed! Please add more…
Please look forward to it
More Katakana reading exercises please! Newbie Nihongo learner here and I’ve tried searching for Katakana reading practices and found none that’s as good as this website.
Please look forward to it
wow, most of comments were written in 2017 or 2018, but today is almost 2020, and I want to tell you that this page really helped me so much! I wish u add more katakana sentences, because it’s very hard to find something mostly in katakana, love u, keep going! (sorry for my english) <3
Thank you! We lack in manpower and fund so the content growth has been very slow. But we’re still working on it
Please keep supporting us 
I just found your site last month and it has been an excellent in helping me practice my reading of hiragana and katana. I know it’s been a couple of years since you have updated these sections but I sure hope you add more!
Arigato Gozaimasu
Thank you for your patience! Yes, we have a lack in manpower and fund. So the site content growth is very slow. Please keep supporting us
This the most efficient way of learning Japanese with Japanese pronunciation and English translation. I request you to upload more lessons and stories in the same way. I am daily practicing with this site. please upload more.
We’ll work hard to make more content! But since we lack in manpower and fund, it might take a long time until we can make a daily updates of content
But we’ll work on it. Thank you for your patience
Please keep supporting us!
Awesome katakana practice reading material, would love to get more. Thanks for the effort anyways!
We’ll do our best to increase our content! Please keep supporting us
It is so useful for beginner like me! please make another sentences!
I love it. Thank you
You’re welcome!
There are just a few of online reading materials that are accessible as this. Thank you so much! I hope that you make more. It’s really helpful for self-learners like me.
We’re so glad it’s helpful for you! Please support us to make much more useful material for self-learners!
Hi, just discovered this website, thank you for the content and great job.
This was a great way to practice reading katakana. Please create more sentences if you can
Please look forward to it
Meanwhile waiting, have you check out our free to play app Komorebi on android play store? It will help you learn Japanese words easier! Happy Learning!
Hey! Your site is by far the best for reading practice. If you can please add more, I really appreciate it. Thank you!
Thank you! We’re planning to improve our content in the future so please look forward to it
in the mean time, you could download Komorebi free app on Android to help you learn more words! Happy learning 
Hi, am so grateful for this site,i just started learning Japanese from quarantine season
and i was wondering if its necessary to learn Kanji after learning hiragana and katakana or can i learn it as i learn more Japanese grammar?
We’re glad that this site helps you
hmm… It’s better to focus on grammar first. Atleast for basics (jlpt n5-n3 grammar) . While you’re learning grammar, you’ll encounter some kanji and learn bit by bit. Kanji is basically vocabularies. By the time you can enjoy reading simple sentence/manga/anime/game or any kind of Japanese material you can start to expand your kanji vocabularies. Hope it helps 
#2 the translation says “I” but it’s actually about Alfred.
Fixed, thank you!
please post some more Katakana articles.. This is the best website
This is one of the BEST sites on the internet for people learning Hiragana and Katakana, thank you so much for keeping it up!
This is the best web site I have found to learn Japanese and I love it and please create more topics on katakana reading practice.
great content
looking forward for more
Hi I really appreciate this site it’s really helpful but i have a question..
In 5 Shouldn’t パトリックは be just “パトリック,” without は or is it correct?
I’m still learning about using は &Thank you
The は is necessary as it point out the subject of the sentence. Particles is indeed confusing though, we have some articles cover は. It should help you to learn about it more. Happy learning

of course we need more practices! the way you teach Katakana is unique and very useful.
Woah this is nice web to learn about Japanese. It’s really helpful for me to learn about katakana and hiragana.
This was very helpful thank you so much for this .
Great practise resource. Would love to see more. Those little trivias inbetween (f.e. why zebra is in hiragana) are also nice
Thank you for this site, I like it very much.
And your explanations and examples are very good and clear. Thank you!
Great content. I would love to have more katakana practice. Thanks
more katakana please ! thanks alot for your work!
I was looking for more katakana practice and I love these phrases since they give some context and they’re not just nouns in a vacuum. Please post more!!!
Try our Kanana app!! You can practice using quiz too~
Hi, I’m a native japanese teacher. I came here to find good examples to use in my lessons, but unfortunately there tiny mistakes in the phrase!
Since there are many learners using your website to study Japanese, I’ll explain a bit. (Sorry if I sound pushy!)
#2. すっぱい”の”たべもの
すっぱい is い adjective and we do not use の with it
#3. ロマンチックカップル
ロマンチック is a な adjective. ロマンチックなカップル is correct. Many English words, when used as adjectives, they become な adjective.
#5. アルコール”は”のみますか?
I would use を instead of は. You can use は only when you have been talking about other drinks that he can drink, and then ask about alcohol.
#7. ニュージーランド”は”いったことがありますか?
The same as #5, when you were talking about other places that he’s been before, then ask about this, you can use は, but I would use へ instead of は if it’s just one random question.
#9. インドネシアご”は”じょうずです
I would use が instead of は. If you use は, the same as #5 and 7, you are comparing the languages with another language. It gives me a sense that he’s not good at other languages, or he cannot speak any other languages.
However, thank you so much for making this website. It’s super helpful.
We’ve revised the page. Thank you very much for your thorough review!