Hiragana Reading Practice: Strongman Taro (Power Boy)

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To master reading hiragana, you need to practice a lot! A physical children story book such as this Ghibli’s Spirited Away movie book is a great book for collection and as a hiragana reading practice. But not all of us have resources to get them and that’s why we’re here to help!

You can use this Strongman Taro (Power Boy) story to practice reading hiragana. This story also known as Chikara Tarou. There are a few important things you need to keep in mind though, check this article first if this is the first time you use this page to practice!

Quick Tips on using this page to practice reading hiragana
• Kana in bold are particles. As particles は is read as WA and を is read as O.
• You can safely ignore the meaning. Success attempt = able to read all hiragana with no difficulties.

ちからたろう – Strongman Taro (Power Boy)


Part 1 : A Dirt Doll

1. むかし ある ところ ,

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Mukashi aru tokoro ni,
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Long ago in some place,

2. おふろ だいきらい な おじいさん おばあさん いました。

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Ofuro no daikirai na ojiisan to obaasan ga imashita.
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There was an old man and an old woman who hated bathing.

3. いちねん じゅう おふろ はいら ない です から、あか だらけ。

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Ichi nen juu ofuro ni hairanai no desu kara, aka darake.
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All year they never entered the bath, so they were covered with dirt.

4. からだ こする 、ぽろぽろ きのこ よう あか おちて きました。

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Karada o kosuru to, poro poro, kinoko no you ni aka ga ochite kimashita.
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When they rubbed their bodies, poroporo *sound effect*, dirt dropped off just like mushrooms.

5.「ばあさん 。この あか にんぎょう つくって みよう。」

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Baasan ya. Kono aka de ningyou o tsukutte miyou.
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“Dear, let’s try to make a doll from this dirt.”

6. こども いない ふたり 、あか かきあつめて おいて、にんぎょう つくりました。

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Kodomo no inai futari wa, aka o kakiatsumete oite, ningyou o tsukurimashita.
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The childless couple scraped up the dirt and made a doll.

Part 2 : Like A Baby

7. 「まっくろ 、 かわいいこ できた

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“Makkuro da ga, kawaii ko ga dekita na.”
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“Although he is very dark, we made a cute child.”

8. あか つくった んだ から、あかたろう つけよう。」

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“Aka de tsukuttan dakara, aka tarou to na o tsukeyou.”
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“Because we made him from dirt, let’s name him Akatarou.”
(Aka : dirt, Tarou : typical name for boys in Japan)

9. おじいさん おばあさん 、 おおよろこび です。

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Ojiisan to obaasan wa, oo yorokobi desu.
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The old man and old woman were very happy.

10. にんぎょう あかたろう 、 こどもりかご いれて、ほんとう こども よう そだてました。

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Ningyou no akatarou o, kodomo rikago ni irete, hontou no kodomo no you ni sodatemashita.
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They put the Akatarou doll into a cradle, and raised him just like a real child.

Part 3 : It’s Alive!!

11. おばあさん ちゃわん ごはん いれて さしだす

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Obaasan ga chawan ni gohan o irete sashidasu to,
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When the old woman put rice in a bowl and held it out,

12. あかたろう のばして、ぱくり ひとくち たべて しまいました。

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Akatarou wa te o nobashite, pakuri to hitokuchi de tabete shimaimashita.
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Akatarou reached out his hand, and pakuri, ate it with a single bite.

13.「あれ、 この こ ごはん たべます 。」

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“Are, kono ko wa gohan o tabemasu yo!”
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“Wow, this child eats!”

14. おじいさん おばあさん びっくり して しまいました。

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Ojiisan to obaasan wa bikkuri shite shimaimashita.
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The old man and old woman were completely surprised.

Part 4: You are Chikaratarou!

15. あかたろう 、 ごはん じっぱい たべれば、

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akatarou wa,gohan o juppai tabereba,
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If Akatarou ate ten cups,
16. じっぱい だけ おおきく なりました。

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juppai dake ookiku narimashita
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he grew ten cups.
17. にじゅうぱい たべれば,
にじゅうぱい だけ ずずん からだ おおきく なって、

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nijuupai tabereba,
nijuupai dake zuzun to karada ga ookiku natte,
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When he ate twenty cups,
his body quickly grew twenty cups,
and then he stood up.
18. 「じさま。おら ひゃっかんめ てつ ぼう、 つくって くれろ。」

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jisama. ora ni hyakkanme no tetsu no bou, tsukutte kureru
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Grandfather, please make me an iron rod weighing 100 kanme (weight units).
19. 「そんな おもい もの、 どう するん じゃ。」

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sonna omoi mono, dou surun ja
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What will you do with such a heavy thing?
20. 「つえ する んじゃ。はやく つくって くれろ。」

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tsue ni surunja. hayaku tsukutte kurero
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I will use it as a staff. Please make it quickly.
21. あかたろう なお いう ので、

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akatarou ga naomo iu no de
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Because Akatarou say it again and again,
22. おじいさん むら かじや 、とんで いきました。

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ojiisan wa mura no kajiya e, tonde ikimashita
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the old man hurriedly went to the blacksmith in town.
23. ひゃくかんめ てつ ぼう できて くる

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hyakukanme no tetsu bou ga dekite kuru to
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The hundred kanme iron rod was made and arrived,
24. あかたろう うれしそう かたて もちあげて、

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akatarou wa ureshisou ni katate de mochiagete
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Akatarou happily lifted it with one hand,
25. *どしん じめん たたきました。

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doshin to jimen o tatakimashita
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and *Thud!, he strike the ground with it.
26. すると、 おじいさん おばあさん

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suruto, ojiisan to obaasan wa,
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And then the old man and old woman,
27. かえる ように *ぴょん びあがって、
しりもち ついて しまいました

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kaeru no youni *pyon to tobiagatte,
shirimochi o tsuite shimaimashita
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*Boing, bounced like a frog and fell on their behinds.
28. 「なんと いう ちからもち じゃ。

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nanto iu chikaramochi ja
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What a powerful man!
29. きょう から なまえ かえよう。

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kyou kara namae o kaeyou
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From today I will change your name.
30. お、 お、 おまえ っぽんいち ちからたろう じゃーー」

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o, o, oname wa nipponichi no chikaratarou ja
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Y, y, your name is Japan’s number one Chikaratarou!”
31. おじいさん いき のみ ながら いいました

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ojiisan wa iki o nomi nagara iimashita ga ,
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the old man said while holding his breath,
32. ふしぎな こと 、ちからたろう ずずずん のびて メートル も なって いました。

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fushigina koto ni, chikaratarou no se ga *zuzuzun to nobite,
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then mysteriously, Chikaratarou’s height *rapidly grew and had become as much as two meters.
33. 「おら、 これから ちからだめし たび でる だ。

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ora, kore kara chikaradameshi no tabi ni deru da
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From now I will leave on a journey to test my strength
34. じさま、 ばさま、 たっしゃで な。」

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jisama, baasama, tasshade na
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Old man, old woman, stay well.”
35. ちからたろう 、つえ わり ひゃっかんめ てつ ぼう
いえ あと しました。

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chikaratarou wa,tsue gawari no hyakukanme no tetsu no bou o,
ie o ato ni shimashita
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Chikaratarou, with the hundred kanme iron rod as a subtitute of his walking stick,
left his house behind.

Part 5: Mr. Midoukkotarou!

36. やまみち あるいて いく

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yamamichi o aruite iku to ,
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He went walking on a mountain path
37. むこう から かんのん さま みどう かついだ おお おとこ

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mukou kara kannon sama no midou o katsuida oo otoko ga ,
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And from over there a big man carrying a Kannon shrine on his back,
38. よいこら よいこら のぼって きました。

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yoikora yoikora nobotte kimashita.
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easily climbing up the mountain
39. そして かみなり ような おおごえ いいました。

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soshite kaminari no youna oogoe de iimashita
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And then he said in a big voice like thunder,
40. 「ほれ、 じゃま だ。 じゃま だ。

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hore, jama da. jama da.
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Hey you, you’re in my way.
41. おれ さま っぽんいち ちからもち、
みどうっこたろう さま じゃーー」

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ore sama wa nipponichi no chikaramochi,
midoukkotarou sama ja
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I am Japan’s most powerful person,
I am Mr. Midoukkotarou.”

Part 6: Battle for The Strongest

42. 「なに いう か。
おら こそ っぽんいち ちからもち、 ちからたろう じゃ。」

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nani iu ka.
ora koso nipponichi no chikaramochi, chikaratarou ja
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What did you say?
But I am Japan’s most powerful person, I am Chikaratarou.
43. ちからたろう も、 こえ はりあげて なのり あげる

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chikaratarou mo, koe o hariagete nanori o ageru to ,
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Chikaratarou also gave his name in a loud voice,
44. ふりあげた てつ ぼう 、 あもいきり ふりおろしました。

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furiageta tetsu no bou o, omoikiri furi oroshimashita
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and he swung down his raised iron rod as hard as he could.
45. かんのん さま みどう めちゃめちゃ こわれて、すっとんで しまいました。

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kannon sama no midou wa mechamecha ni kowarete, suttonde shimaimashita
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The Kannon shrine was broken into pieces and knocked away
46. みどうっこたろう 、 どこ いった か すがた みえません。

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midoukkotarou mo, doko e itta ka sugata ga miemasen
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Also Midoukkotarou, where he had gone could not be seen.

Part 7: A Man with A Big Heart

47. 「たすけて くれーー。 たすけて くれろーー」

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tasukete kure. tasukete kureru.
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Please help me! Please help me.
48. みどうっこたろう 、まつ てっぺん
さかさま ひっかかって いました。

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midoukkotarou wa,matsu no ki no teppen ni
sakasama ni hikkakatte imashita.
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Midoukkotarou was caught upside down
in the top of a pine tree.
49. 「なんじゃいな、 おおきな くち たたいて。

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nanjanaina, ookina kuchi tataite.
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What happened? You were talking big before.
50. いま おろして やる わ。」

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ima oroshite yaru wa
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I’m gonna help you down now.”
51. ちからたろう 、 まつ ねっこ ごと ひきぬいて、

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chikaratarou wa,matsu no ki o nekko goto hikinuite,
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Chikaratarou pulled the pine tree out with its roots,
52. みどうっこたろう たすけて やりました。

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midoukkotarou o tasukete yarimashita
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and kindly helped Midoukkotarou.
53. 「とても あんた ちから かなわん。

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totemo anta no chikara ni wa kanawan
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I really can’t match your power.
54. どうか けらい して くれろ。」

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douka kerai ni shite kureru
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Please make me your retainer.”
55. みどうっこたろう ,て あわせて、

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midoukkotarou wa, te o awasete,
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Midoukkotarou asked with his hands together,
56. ちからたろう けらい なりました。

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chikaratarou no kerai ni narimashita
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and became Chikaratarou’s retainer.

Part 8: A Flying Rock

57. ふたり しばらく やまみち あるいて いく

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futari de shibaraku yamamichi o aruite iku to ,
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They went walking together for a while on the mountain road,
58. がけ いわ がきん がきん、
くだいて いる おお おとこ いました。

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gake no iwa o *gakin gakin,
te de kudaite iru oo otoko ga imashita
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and there was a big man breaking the cliff rocks, *clash clash, with his hands.
59. だまって みて いる

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damatte mite iru to ,
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They watched silently
60. おお おとこ くだいた、
カボチャ くらい いし かけら

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oo otoko ga kudaita,
kabocha kurai no ishi no kakera ga ,
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and then a piece of rock the size of a pumpkin, which the big man had broken,
61. うなり ながら とんで きました。

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unari nagara tonde kimashita
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came flying with a groan.
62. 「おっと、 あぶねえ。」

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otto, abunee
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Whoops, danger.
63. ちからたろう 、 ふうっと いき ふきつけました。

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chikaratarou wa,fuutto iki o fukitsukemashita
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Chikaratarou blew against it.
64. すると いし かけら

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suruto ishi no kakera wa,
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And then the piece of rock,
65. はんたい とんで いって、

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hantai ni tonde itte,
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went flying in the opposite direction,
66. おお おとこ おでこ 、 *がきん ぶちあたりました。

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oo otoko no odeko ni, *gakin to buchiatarimashita
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*Clash! and hit, the big man in the forehead.
67. 「やい、 やい、 だれ じゃい。

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yai, yai, dare jaai
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Hey, hey, who is it!

Part 9: Mr. Ishikkotarou

68. にっぽんいち いしっこたろう さま
いし ぶつけた やつ

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nipponichi no ishikkotarou sama ni,
ishi o butsuketa yatsu wa
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Who threw a rock at Japan’s number one Ishikkotarou?
69. ひねりつぶして くれるわ。」

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hineritsubushite kureruwa
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I will smash you!”
70. いしっこたろう ,おこって かお まっか し ながら、
ちからたろう ほう やって きました。

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ishikkotarou wa okotte kao o makka ni shi nagara
chikaratarou no hou e yatte kimashita
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While making his face red with anger,
Ishikkotarou approached Chikaratarou.
71. 「よし。 おめえ、 しょうぶ して みろ。」

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yoshi. omae, shoubu o shite miru
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Alright. You, try and fight him.
72. ちからたろう いわれて、
みどうっこたろう とびだして いきました。

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chikaratarou ni iwarete,
midoukkotarou ga tobidashite ikimashita
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Because he was told by Chikaratarou,
Midoukkotarou came jumping out.
73. ふたり ,がっぷり くみあいました
なかなか しょうぶ つきません。

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futari wa gappuri kumi aimashita ga ,
nakanaka shoubu ga tsukimasen
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Together they grappled for a long time and nobody won.

Part 10: The Strongest of All

74. 「いつまで やっとるん じゃ。」

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itsumade yattorun ja
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Until when will you keep fighting?
75. しびれ きらした ちからたろう

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shibire o kirashita chikaratarou wa,
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Chikaratarou who became impatient,
76. いしっこたろう あたま まげ つかむ

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ishikkotarou no atama no age o tsukamu to ,
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grabbed the topnot on Ishikkotarou’s head,
77. *ぶるん ぶるん ふりまわしました。

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*burun burun furimawashimashita
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And *Whoosh, whoosh! swung him around.
78. もり あらし よう ゆれました。

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mori no ki ga arashi no you ni yuremashita
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The trees in the forest shook as in a storm.
79. 「いてえ。 いてえ。 め まわる だよーー」

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itee. itee. me ga mawaru dayo
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It hurts. It hurts. I feel dizzy.
80. いしっこたろう さけぶ
ちからたろう ,そら むかって、
いしっこたろう なげとばしました。

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ishikkotarou ga sakebu to
chikaratarou wa sora ni mukatte
ishikkotarou o nabetobashimashita
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Ishikkotarou cried out,
and facing the sky,
Chikaratarou let Ishikkorarou fly.
81. 「たすけて くれーー」

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tasukete kure
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82. まっさかさま おちて きた いしっこたろう

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massakasama ni ochite kita ishikkotarou wa,
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Ishikkotarou who came falling head over heels,
83. あたま から じめん めりこんで しまいました。

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atama kara jimen ni merikonde shimasimashita
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and landed with his head stuck into the ground.
84. いしっこたろう けらい なりました。

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ishikkotarou mo kerai ni narimashita
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Ishikkotarou also became a retainer.

Part 11: A Quiet Town

85. さんにん やまみち おりて まち いく

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sannin de yamamichi o orite machi e iku to
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The three men came down the mountain path and went to the town,
86. ひるま だ いう

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hiruma da to iu no ni
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and although it was daytime,
87. どこ いえ しめて、

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doko no ie mo to o shimete
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all the houses were closed,
88. しずまりかえって いました。

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shizumarikaette imashita
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and it was completely quiet.
89. 「なにか あった かいな。

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nanika atta no kaina
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I wonder what happened.
90. はら すいて、

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hara ga suite,
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I am hungry,
91. めし くわして もらい たい に、 だれも おらん な。」

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meshi o kuwashite morai tai no ni, daremo oran na
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and although I want to receive a meal, there is nobody around.”

Part 12: The Monster’s Tale

92. まち なか あるいて いく

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machi no naka o aruite iku to ,
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They walked through the town,
93. りっぱな ちょうじゃ いえ まえ

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rippana chouja no ie no mae de,
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and in front of a magnificent rich person’s house,
94. ちょうじゃ むすめ ござ すわって ないて いました。

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chouja no musume ga goza ni suwatte naite imashita
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there was a rich person’s daughter sitting on a straw mat and crying.
95. ちからたろう たずねる むすめ

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chikaratarou ga tazuneru to musume wa,
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Chikaratarou asked the girl about what happened
96. 「ひとつき いちど、

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hitotsuki ni ichido,
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Once a month,
97. おそろしい ばけもの あらわれて、

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osoroshii bakemono ga arawarete
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a terrible monster appears,
98. まち むすめ ひとり ずつ さらって いきます。

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machi no musume o hitori zutsu saratte ikimasu
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and carries off the town’s girls one by one.
99. こんや 、 わたし ばん なの です。」

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konya wa,watashi no ban na no desu
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Tonight it is my turn.”
100. なみだ ふき ふき いいました。

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namida o fuki fuki iimashita
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she said, wiping tears.

Part 13: A Mission

101. ちからたろう 、 きりり つりあげました。

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chikaratarou wa,kiriri to me o tsuriagemashita
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Chikaratarou had a fierce look in his eyes.
102. 「どんな ばけもの しらぬ

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donna bakemono ka shiranu ga,
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I don’t know what kind of monster it is,
103. わるい こと する やつ ,ゆるせん。

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warui koto o suru yatsu wa yurusen
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but I can not forgive anyone who does bad things.
104. おら たち たいじ して やる。」

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ora tachi ga taiji shite yaru
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We will get rid of it.”
105. そう いって ばけもの あらわれる いう
やしき あんない させました。

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sou itte bakemono ga arawareru to iu
yashiki ni annai sasemashita
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He said so and let her guide them
to the mansion where it is said that the monster appears.
106. よる なる

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yoru ni naru to,
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It became night
107. なま あたたかい かぜ ふいて、

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nama atatakai kaze ga fuite,
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and a disagreeably warm breeze was blowing,
108. やしき よりも せ たかい ばけもの 、あらわれました。

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yashiki yorimo se no takai bakemono ga , arawaremashita
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and a monster taller than the mansion appeared.

Part 14: The Fierce Battle

109. 「むすめ 、どこ おる。

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musume wa,doko ni oru
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Where is the girl.
110. かくれて おらんで、でて まいれーー」

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kakurete orande, dete maire
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Don’t hide, come out.”
111. ばけもの 、かお まんなか ある
目だま ぎろぎろ ひからせて います。

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bakemono wa,kao no mannaka ni aru
medama o hikarasete imasu
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The monster glaring with his eyes
that emit bright light in the middle of the face
112. 「それっ。 みどうっこたろう、 いしっこたろう、 やっつけて しまえ!」
ちからたろう いいました

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soree! midoukkotarou, ishikkotarou, yattsukete shimae!
chikaratarou ga iimashita ga ,
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Now! Midoukkotarou, Ishikkotarou, attack him!
said Chikaratarou
113. ふたり とも すぐ ばけもの つまみあげられて、

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futari tomo sugu bakemono ni tsumamiagerarete
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right away they were both got picked up by the monster’s fingers,
114. ふたり とも すぐ ばけもの つまみあげられて、

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futari tomo sugu bakemono ni tsumamiagerarete
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right away they were both got picked up by the monster’s fingers,
115. *ぱくり のみこまれて しまいました。

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*pakuri to nomikomarete shimaimashita
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and *Gulp! they got swallowed.
116. 「なんじゃい な。

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nanjanai na
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What happened?
117. おら やっつける べえ。」

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ora ga yattsukeru bee
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I will beat him!”
118. ちからたろう 、 てつ ぼう ふりまわし ながら、
ばけもの かかって いきました。

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chikaratarou wa,tetsu no bou o furimawashi nagara,
bakemono ni kakatte ikimashita
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While swinging his iron rod,
Chikaratarou attacked the monster.
119. ところ 、てつ ぼう ,ぐにゃり ねじまげられて しまいました。

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tokoro ga , tetsu no bou wa gunyari to nejimagerarete shimaimashita
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But then, the iron rod became twisted.
120. 「うーぬ。 もう がまん ならん!」

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u-nu. mou gaman ga naran!
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Hnnn. I am out of patience!
121. ちからたろう 、 おもいきり おなか けりあげました。

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chikaratarou wa,omoikiri onaka o keriagemashita
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Chikaratarou kicked up into his stomach with all his might.
122. 「ぎゃおーー」

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123. ばけもの 、のみこんだ みどうっこたろう いしっこたろう はきだして、

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bakemono wa,nomikonda midoukkotarou to ishokkotarou o hakidashite
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The monster, threw up Midoukkotarou and Ishikkotarou who he had swallowed,

Part 15: A Happy Ending

124. けむり よう きえて しまいました。

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kemuri no you ni kiete shimaimashita
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and disappeared like smoke.
125. おれい したい いいました。

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orei ga shitai to iimashita
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He said that he wants to thank them.
126. 「なにも いらん。はら すいた だよ。」

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nanimo iran hara ga suita dayo
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I don’t need anything. But I am hungry.
127. ちからたろう いう

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chikaratarou ga iu no de
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Because Chikaratarou said that,
128. ふろおけ ような おおがま ごはん たく

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furooke no youna oogama de gohan o taku to ,
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he had rice cooked in a big kettle like a bathtub,
129. 三人 ぺろりん たいらげて、にこにこ しながら、

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sannin de perorin to tairagete nikoniko shinagara
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then the three people ate up, and while smiling,
130. 「ごちそうさん。」
あたま さげました。

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atama o sagemashita
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It was good food.
They bowed their heads.
131. おおぐい です 、 いい おお おとこ たち です。

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oogui desu ga , ii oo otoko tachi desu
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They are big eaters, but they are good big men.
132. ちょうじゃ ,すっかり きにいって、

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chouja wa sukkari kinitte
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The rich person was quite pleased,
133. さんにん じぶん むすめ たち むこ さん むかえました。

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sannin o jibun no musume tachi no muko san ni mukaemashita
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and welcomed the three to be the husbands of his own daughters.
134. それから いう もの、

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sorekara to iu mono,
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From then on,
135. ちからたろう たち ,よく はたらいて、

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chikaratarou tachi wa yoku hataraite,
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Chikaratarou and his friends worked well,
136. まち ひと たち
いつまでも なかよく くらしました とさ。

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machi no hito tachi to
itsumademo nakayoku kurashimashita tosa
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they became friends with the towns people
and lived happily ever after.

How did it goes?

Reading practice is very useful to burn hiragana alphabet to your brain. It undeniably hard at the first time, but gradually it will get better!! If this practice seems hard, try it again on the next day until it becomes easy for you to read it 。゚✶ฺ.ヽ(*´∀`*)ノ.✶゚ฺ。

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  1. Thank you so much for this! There seems to be an error. From point 7 it just jumps straight to point 9, skipping over point 8.

  2. Hi! I’d like to say thank you in providing these stories for practicing my hiragana skills. I’d just like to point out some mistakes I noticed. In num 15 “are, kono” then it was followed by a kanji? I assume it’s ko also? And on num 16 ” . . Wa bikkuri shite” the hiragana was bi but your romaji translation is pikkuri. Maybe there’s some mix-up there, either it’s pi or bi, you just need to correct the hiragana or romaji 😊 but overall it was great! Thanks for providing this! 😍😍😍

  3. Mooooore! Please. All the stories are incomplete. Thanx for the time you take. I am willing to support. But please, complete the stories.

  4. 8th chapter is not correct. It should be makkuro not makuro. Sorry I am not native speaker. And it’s hard to explain.

    1. That’s correct! You’ve done a great job at learning hiragana for noticing the mistake! ありがとう!

    1. Thanks for noticing, we’ve fixed it 😉 And that means you’re doing a really good job at learning hiragana to be able to found this mistake here! やったね!

  5. Hello,
    10th sentence I don’t see where does the “o” comes from after “akatarou” (あかたろう).

    But thank you anyway, it helps me a lot to read hiragana, now I’m pretty fluent in reading hiragana, however I don’t know what I’m reading ^^

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