We know that it’s hard to get a good practice for katakana so we try to make one for you. We hope you like it and help you to improve your reading skills!
Check out our [post id=”1235″ anchor=”yes” text=”Katakana Guide” class=”tip”], memorize Katakana easily using mnemonics or [post id=”1237″ anchor=”yes” text=”Additional sounds of Katakana (2nd Part of our Guide)” class=”tip”]
Most Katakana practices include just the word, but we believe that presenting a full sentence which have a lot of katakana words, in combination with particle and hiragana as in normal sentence will be a better way to practice reading. It will also help your brain to detect the pattern of Japanese sentence.
• In Katakana, ー means that you need to hold the sound of longer.
So コヒー is KOHII (double I).
• The one in bold is particle. So read the red は as WA. Note that particles are always written in Hiragana. Particles in the sentence are red, so you can notice them and learn the structure sentence unconciously.
• Since most Katakana is Foreign and English words, we hide the translations or else it might be quite easy to figure the reading, hehe…
1. ヘンドリックソンがあのデパートでアーロンのセーターを買いました。
2. アルフレッドはキウイやオレンジやストロベリーやすっぱいくだものがすきですよ!
3. マクドナルドとメリンダはロロマンチックなカップルカップルです。
4. このビルディングのべースメントはレストランとカフェがあります。
5. パトリックはビールやワインやアルコールをのみますか。
Note A subtle different might change the meaning. For example, building is ビルヂング but often being abbreviated as ビル. If you hold the I in BI so it becomes BIIRU ビール, it means beer.
6. スティープンはスーパーマーケットでチョコレートとレッドキャベジとマヨネーズがかいました。
7. ダスティンはフィリピンとブラジルとニュージーランドへいったことがあります。
8. ネルソンとタイラーとガーブリエルはベストフレンドです。
Note Sometimes Japanese loves to use foreign words like OK! UP (UPgrade)! BEAUTIFUL! when it seems cool/fancy/appropriate, even though they might have the words in Japanese too.
9. ディクソンはベトナムごとインドネシアごがじょうずです。
Note Adding ご (語) after a name of a country, makes it as “Country Name language”.
Ex: Japanese language: にほんご (日本語), Chinese language ちゅうごくご (中国語).
But some language have it’s own name, like えいご (英語) which means English.
10. ライオンやカンガルーやシマウマはどうぶつえんでみられますよ!
Note You may notice that Zebra is written in Katakana even though that it’s written as a Japanese language (Shimauma). This is because, most of plants and animals name that are rarely being used in everyday conversations is written in Katakana in Japan. So for SAKURA flower and INU (dog), it will be written as hiragana. But turtle, dolphin, kinds of plants like Shitake Mushroom/ Himawari flower, will most likely be written in katakana.
We don’t have much resources to work on the lessons, while there are still a lot of lessons we need to cover _:(´□`」 ∠):_ But if you would like to see more katakana practice, comment on this page below, and we might consider to add more materials to this article if there is a large amount of request 😀
If you would like to practice Hiragana instead, check out our [post id=”1222″ anchor=”yes” text=”Hiragana reading practice” class=”tip”]
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View Comments
This is by far the best site I have found to learn Katakana because if forces the user to translate entire sentences, thereby providing context! Please post more sentences!!
Yes, context are important~ Glad you like them! Please look forward to it~ ;)
Why is there ‹セーターが› in the first sentence and not ‹セーターを›?
Thanks for reporting the error! It has been fixed 。゚✶ฺ.ヽ(*´∀`*)ノ.✶゚ฺ。
Nice content, I love it
Arigatou gozaimasu
Thanks for creating this website! I think I noticed a mistake: in #6, should "スティーブンは" be "スティープンは"?
Thanks for noticing! :D
In number 8 should Taylor be Tyler? I'm new to Katakana and appreciate these practice sentences.
Actually, in Japanese, as to "Japanized" an English names, there are no specific rules. The common guide though is to focus on the pronunciation instead of the alphabet. So SUN (as in sun shines), is サン (SAN) instead of スン (SUN).
This is the best site to learn Kana. Thank you!
You're welcome ;) Glad it helps!
This is great. Love your site. Thanks a lot. More katakana practice would be great. Thanks in advance.
You're welcome! We're glad that it has been helpful to you! Please look forward for more content in future ;)
Really useful! would love to see more, thanks!
Glad to hear it! Please look forward for more in future! :D
Great material!
Good work! examples and its explanation really helpful!
Please post N5 to N1 level wise jyukugo, very much needed for JLPT students who are appearing exam on their own!
Super useful! I wish you provided more!