Intro to Japanese Language

Somewhat Ultimate Guide to Differentiate Particle は and が

The Curious Case of Particle WA and GA In the process of learning Japanese, almost all people got confused as…

9 years ago

Japanese は. Read as wa or ha ?

There are quite a lot of confusions as to why some books/article read は as ha or sometimes as wa.…

9 years ago

Pointing things/place/locations

With these words here, you will be able to point things/place/locations in Japanese. There usually a confusion in how to…

9 years ago

Basic [Polite] Sentence

 Quick links: [Polite] Nouns | [Polite] Adjective | [Polite] Verbs | Summary & Usage Samples As previously mentioned in [Japanese Grammar…

9 years ago

Grammar Intro: Type of Verbs & Adjectives

Quick links: Verbs | Adjectives Introduction again? Why there are so many introduction ?? Anyway, there are Verbs and Adjectives in…

9 years ago

When in doubt, open up a calculator!

Numbers is one of important basic vocabularies you will be using when traveling in Japan. So let's start counting! First we…

9 years ago

Introduction to Japanese Grammar

Here are some things will be useful to know before you start to learn Japanese grammar. It will make you…

9 years ago

Common Greetings & Set Phrase 1

Wherever you are, it wouldn’t hurt at all to know some of the most basic common greetings used in the…

9 years ago

Easy Katakana Mastery Guide: Part 2

With this lesson, you will learn additional sound that can be made by adding a tiny circle or quotes or…

9 years ago

Easy Katakana Mastery Guide: Part 1

Katakana is the twin brother of Hiragana whom have the exact same pronounciation, but with a different shape and have…

9 years ago