
Hiragana Reading Practice: Urashima Taro

To master reading hiragana, you need to practice a lot! A physical children story book such as this Ghibli's Ponyo…

8 years ago

Hiragana Reading Practice: The Monkey and The Crab

To master reading hiragana, you need to practice a lot! A physical children story book such as this Ghibli's Kiki…

8 years ago

Hiragana Reading Practice: The Grateful Crane

To master reading hiragana, you need to practice a lot! A physical children story book such as this Ghibli's Spirited…

8 years ago

Hiragana Reading Practice: Strongman Taro (Power Boy)

To master reading hiragana, you need to practice a lot! A physical children story book such as this Ghibli's Spirited…

8 years ago

Hiragana Reading Practice: Kachi Kachi Mountain

To master reading hiragana, you need to practice a lot! A physical children story book such as this Ghibli's Totoro…

8 years ago

Hiragana Reading Practice: Princess Kaguya

To master reading hiragana, you need to practice a lot! A physical children story book such as this Ghibli's Kaguya…

8 years ago

Hiragana Reading Practice: Momotaro

To master reading hiragana, you need to practice a lot! A physical children story book such as this Ghibli's Spirited…

8 years ago

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8 years ago

Hiragana Reading Practice

Either if you have memorized the shape of Hiragana manually or by using mnemonics provided by our guide, you will…

9 years ago