
Why do you use は for Konnichiwa (こんにちは) instead of わ

Many people who started learning Japanese are confused when they found out that the famous Japanese greeting, Konnichiwa, is end…

8 years ago

Basic Particle も, と ,や, and の

One of the most important keys to understanding Japanese are particles and so today we’re going to learn 4 simple…

9 years ago

Particle か and all about questions!

Turning Japanese sentences into questions is as easy as 1, 2, 3 with particle か.  Japanese question words though, are…

9 years ago

Somewhat Ultimate Guide to Differentiate Particle は and が

The Curious Case of Particle WA and GA In the process of learning Japanese, almost all people got confused as…

9 years ago

Japanese は. Read as wa or ha ?

There are quite a lot of confusions as to why some books/article read は as ha or sometimes as wa.…

9 years ago

Japanese particle を

Particles are very important in Japanese since they indicate the relations of words within a sentence! Today we’re gonna learn…

9 years ago

Japanese particle が

Particles are very important in Japanese since they indicate the relations of words within a sentence! Today we’re gonna learn…

9 years ago

Topic marker particle は

Particles are very important in Japanese since they indicate the relations of words within a sentence! Today we’re gonna learn…

9 years ago