Learn Japanese words as if you're playing a game!
Today we’re going to learn how to count millions in Japanese! (more…)
Today we’re going to learn about large numbers! Starting from a hundreds to ten thounsands and more!~ (more…)
Today we’ll be talking about how to count in Japanese. Counting in Japanese requires more than just numbers! It might…
Today we’ll be talking about how to do all-purpose counting in Japanese. (more…)
Within this article, you will then know how to count kanji stroke properly thus having a higher chance to guess…
We already know that Japanese have more than one type of writing. Hiragana, katakana and kanji. And no, furigana is…
When you're learning Japanese for a while, you may stumble at this unknown character. "What is this 々 character here?".…
No, they are not a synonym of omnomnom and you don't have to worry about not being able to pronounce…